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Tuesday, 21 April 2009

DAY1- Rocks. The lesosns rock. The teachers rock. The students rock. HAHA almost everything rocks in TP. omg enjoyed myself immersely! We had CTOS and communication skill lessons. Did Excel and english lesson kinda. Then home sweet home. Fast right! Dont jealous JC ppl! XD

DAY2- More ppl came out of their shell. And our guys group became 9ppl. LOL! orientation only got me and yuheng. Boyen and Titus came in then now WOAH 5/6 of the class is in this big and power group. HAHA. WDS was super fun. Cos the teacher abit old abit blur. HMM laugh to the max can! 1E04 rocks!

Overall, Polytechnic education rocks to the max. We drank sweeet drinks in classes, eat sweets, use handphones, talk and chitchat, laughlaughlaugh, wear home clothes, anyhow hair and much much more.. ZAI LAH! =))

Friday, 17 April 2009
HAHAHAHA!! it was super super high!! Best orientation I have ever been to! TP RAWKS! Im so not gonna share what happened there! Who ask all of you never come TP. haha! BTW, lots of hunks and pretty girls are spotted in the campus! XD

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
❝kerwin is sick!❞
Ever felt like you are suffering like death?
Ever thought you are gonna give up and lie there?
40degrees fever with muscles aches from top to bottom,
dizzy and felt like throwing up?
These sounds like dengue fever which is super popular now. But how can I get sick in the matter of 2-3 hours?!

went to Tampines1 and thats when I felt super unusual cold in my body. I was shivering like mad and it cost my shopping. lucky i bought 3 shirts before i broke down. okay slowly walked back from serangoon interchange to the doctor's. THANKS mum for the support!

The doctor talked alot. In the end dont wanna give me MC for the orientation and gave me normal medicines. >.< say what if tmr still cannot go hospital already. LOL should i go for my orientation??

Last night was a tortue! OMG i toss and turn, sweat like mad, feeling cold plus shivering and wanna vomit but it didnt came out! =( Mum was there for me! Today woke up, i was feeling fine. i could stand up and bathe with holy water and flowers just in case. HMM and dear said she wanna bathe in that tooXD haha next time i put nicer flowers for you luh!=))

Sorry baby, tonight supposed to be our night out. I cant make it >.<

Monday, 13 April 2009
Today,unfortunately, CH's dad passed away. =( heard it was something like bao bi which mean something like heart attack. It was on the newspaper and news. AW i missed that! Im sooo sorry CH. Take care and I will see you tmr.


Death is when your loved ones must depart
Death is a sharp pain to the heart

Death is a feeling of permanent sadness & pain
Death is when your loved ones have forever gone away

Death is a call to heaven or hell
Death is an eternal mansion or cell

Death is a lesson to learn about
Death is a loss, without a doubt
Death is an unhappy feeling to have
Death is unpleasant on anyone's behalf

Death is something we all will go through
Death is a storm waiting to brew

Death is a lingering crow always overhead
Death is a soul, done being fed

Death is cruel,
Death is unfair,
Why death?
Does death care?

Death is unkind,
Death breaks hearts,
Why death?
Do you like to part?

Death is here,
Death is there,
Why death?
Why be everywhere?

Death is the end,
Death is to die,
Why death?
To make people cry?

Death was created,
Death is still here,
Why death?
We live in fear,

Death is death,
Death is dead,
Why death?
Because death said.

Death is forever, so don’t flirt with death
Death is painful, so stay away from knifes
Death is not for lovers, so don’t die
Death is not for me, so don’t even try

Death is never clear, so be careful
Death is never fun, so stay away from strangers
Death is never pleasing, so don’t get caught up in the hype
Death is never fair, so get use to it
Death is always occurring, so don’t forget it

Death is never what u expect, so expect the unexpected
Death is not for you, so please don’t give up
Death is forever, so don’t forget that

Shenise Ashmeade

Sunday, 12 April 2009
❝The day had ended!❞
GameBreakers vs Hougang Aces!
1st half- played with the blue team which are the youngsters. Great job! At least we managed a tie ( 0-0).
2nd half- played with the veteran team which is yellow. At first I thought they were strong cause of 2 good players ( Paul and CheeSoon ). Hmm we managed to defense well and HONGHENK you rock to the max with the nice 3 consecutive saves! Sadly in the dying last few minutes, they managed to break through and CheeSoon scored a unsave-able goal. Nvm guys! take this as a feedback and we will be able to learn more. We lack the confidence and experience and we were too nervous I think. HAHA well done guys! CLAPCLAP!=)
3rd half- Short of one player and Thats ME! i went in to join the yellow team against the blue team. Results? 3-0. HAHA first goal went to Toh Kheam after a fantastic pass by small Andy. second goal is a freekick taken by me! It was my first time taking a freekick. Thanks thanks it went into the bottom right of the goalpost after hitting someone's leg. third goal is me again! CheeSoon passed the ball into the center I took the chance to shoot. It was blocked by keeper but managed to go over him and scored. YAY! for you~=))


Worked with Kathy, Anqi and Jiahui. Super boring at first luh! HAHA no customers at all! SLACK SLACK! hmmm after work, went to watch KNOWING with HuiSian. Woah! impressed by the logics they used in the movie. Super chim! Haha. Sadly it wasnt a happy ending. The boy and father were separated. And the END OF THE WORLD! BANG BANG BANG! all gone! Ending wasnt clear though. We wanna know what happen to earth after that! Director please do something. HMM! I gonna sleep soon! Super super power day today. HAHA nights people! nights dear =) !

Friday, 10 April 2009

I shall not talk much about today! PHOTOS TIME!! HAHA! Evoke your dreams! Enjoy!

Toy I got from a band when they throw stuffs! =X

Please say my bag is niceXD

My bro! =)

They are the champion!


Okay, thats all! Haha photos are not in order. Thanks! GBFC ftw tomorrow!! XD

Yo peeps!

HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY!! haha okay went out with SiewKim and Sean yesterday night. Yes, yesterday's midnight which is today's morning. Watched The Sniper! Edison is HOT! HAHA im joking! Movie was okay okay not very impressive and its quite predictable. At first you wont understand what the heck they talking!! Slowly then they show everything. Wow a super sniper killed by a rookie sniper. HAHA!! Walked back home from Bishan J8 to Serangoon Ave3. Took 50min. Nice one luh! We were blasting our phones and the dogs barked at us. LOL


Tonight my bro will be performing for Evoke Your Dream. GOOD LUCK! hope you get the cash money home =)) hahaha!! This saturday is so gonna be exciting! From morning till night! Wheee! Soccer match! Work-.- And hahaha..=X SEEYA!

Thursday, 9 April 2009
❝take them away please❞
WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO TAKE THE HAMSTERS?!?!?!?! i am going to run out of food by tomorrow i tell you! Come on. Don't let them starve! FASTER LAH I'M SERIOUS!


Shall not blog much about today cause its too typical. HAHA work work. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NURUL (customer)!! haha I helped them take pictures wor! So kind i know. Did floor closing. BLAH BLAH..


I think my lime green cover is super nice. haha! Im QUITE ready with the Indian Words! Except I cant seem to memorise though. HAHAHA! can i read out from my phone? lol!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
❝A day out!❞
Hey readers!

I purposely never blog yesterday! HAHA too lazy already! =X Shall blog with photos today!
HMMM.. Today went shopping with my mummy at Orchard! We went to Wisma then Ngee Ann then even went to VivoCity! hahaha! super shopper right! Well, she bought a pair of shoes and some shirts.


After that, went to Novena's United Square' s challenger. Finally bought my Iphone cover which is LIME GREEN! NICE okay! haha! Met sean and he went to Academy Of Rock for his guitar lesson. I miss the teachers there! And surprisely, most of them recognised me! Im so gonna come back and learn either drums or bass again! =) I wanted to jam there but Sean scared paiseh. LOL! fine. We went MacDonalds to study. OK he studied while i go eat eat eat! HAHA photos for evidence! I ate MacChicken Meal plus share 20pieces of nuggets! YUM! Saw Melody and Claudia. Yeah, we wanted to go bowling so text SiewKim. She WAS SO FUNNY LUH! HAHAHA you are jacked! LOL

Academy Of Rock 20 Pieces of NUGGETS!
Sean STUDYING! haha XD


darling go sleep! =)

Monday, 6 April 2009
11th April 2009. The match is on. Gamebreakers FC vs Hougang Aces FC. Both are my teams but i will be joining GBFC!! WHOOO CLAP PLEASE! hahaha! Kick off at 9.30am at Buangkok MRT field. Tickets are available at $5! Grab them now! Match of a life time! Ok i was joking. Admission is free just go there suntan! =))


Today, we watched 2FAST2FURIOUS4! Whooo now im dreaming of owning that super nice car! HAHA next year shall see me driving it. Excellent show! Must watch! Rachel said she was not hungry at the mall. But as soon as she reached home, her stomach started to growl~ HAHA! told you to eat le! Dont care next time i shall force you to eat. LOL! Final Destination3 was normal. Too many cut scenes already and it spoils the storyline. HAIZ! wasted!

Sunday, 5 April 2009
HAHA i forgot to blog yesterday! hmmm shall blog today then.

Saturday- Soccer! then afternoon went United Square with my family. Actually wanted to go buy my phone cover but shop shop shop, shop until the shop close ah! SAD! should be getting today ba.
I saw PL at united square food court. LOL unagi again! hahaha

Sunday- Super heavy rain and i dont wanna wake up! haha I will be meeting Rachel later for 2FAst 2Furious 4 ! hahaha hope its super nice!

Got to go change and prepare! SEEYOU!!


PPL, I will be having a game called "Guess my LAOPO!" HAHA only limited to 5 people per month who guessed correctly! Prizes are the super rare nuts of my hamsters' food. So faster give me your answers! Winners will be notified by this blog! =))

Saturday, 4 April 2009
Hey readers!

No more hamsters!! HAHAHA! It is sold to Jasper's friend for $20 with the cage. YAY thank you thank you!! Faster come collect!! =)) Sorry to those who wanted these cute animals. Maybe if they breed you can ask from Jasper's friend. LOL. good luck!


Worked 2 places today. ( Raffles and Suntec ) Slack slack slack again earning free income. LOL! But I did kitchen closing. ARGH tired ah! Hope someone massage my back *hinthint* hahaha! And Laopo is back!! WHEE!! =)) missed you so much! HAHA

Friday, 3 April 2009
❝soccer and work.❞
Morning- Soccer with Gamebreakers. Timing was set at 10.30. But some came at 12pm-.- GUYS please come earlier so that we can start the training then get on with the games. Its time to be serious! And the friendly match with Hougang Aces is set on 11th April 2009. If there are not enough people, my dad and some players can join us. Don't worry they are not bad. The time is 9.15am and kick off is 9.30am at BuangKok Mrt. Don't be late!!


Afternoon to night- I went to work AGAIN! Haha super slack only 2 customers for like almost 3hours. Then Nicholas, Jiamin and me were talking behind WeeLip's back about him being a gay. HAHA funny! Did kitchen closing. I forgot my ice-cream DAMN!


LOL SiewKim bought a new phone and she regret!! HAHAHA told you to buy Iphone with me right!! SEE LAH!! And Laopo sms me from Genting! =)) MISS YA!!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009
❝Sunrise and sunset with hamsters.❞
Yo peeps!

Watched a movie called Midnight Meat Train last midnight. Its about a photographer who met this butcher who is killing innocent people everyday on the last train. He went on stalking him and in the end became the butcher himself. Super gross and bloody. Pretty silent movie but nice plot. Watch it online!!
Today I totally stayed at home the whole day!! Wow. I'm so becoming a 宅男! Anyway, bad news. One more hamster is dead=X please people! show so compassion to these little animals and adopt them!!! FASTER FASTER no time to lose! Let me show you some pictures of hamsters to melt your heart HAHA.

OMGG so cute right?! HAHA! yeah so anyone of you want hamsters, come ask from me! I got 5 to give away so hurry! First come first serve!! =))

Im starting to miss her=XX

i write
Kerwin Chan

-Business Information Technology
-Temasek Polytechnic


Arcade bball
Bass guitar
My handphone
Going out
Horror movies


People staring at me or my wifeXD
Smell of smokes


